Monday, February 4, 2008

mixi SNS site in Japan

mixi is one of several SNS sites in Japan.
It makes its earnings from advertisement.
I am one of its user.

It used to be only for individuals, who post blog, pic, video, and etc.
But nowadays, a lot of companies have created their account.
The reason is to collect feedbacks
or for small businesses (like consulting firm),
they are looking for customers who wants to do business with them.

also there are communities for {people who use amazon} and those individuals do their ads using blogs they write. I found a girl selling her underwear with uploading her pics with the blogs......
it isnt a good example but, i thought it was effective.
because i've never seen people uploading many pictures at amazon.

i use amazon to buy text books for class, but i always worry if text books are in bad shape or not. so uploading pics at seller's blog will solve the problem and it will be more reliable.


DC Charity Change Jar said...

I think that sites like and should take a tip from Mixi. I think you are right that it is good to have lots of pictures, I too have gone to purchase from amazon and was concerned about the condition of the product. This is probably the direction of many online shopping sites. They can add more social networking to their sites such as pictures and messaging. I wonder what mixi users think of the addition of businesses to their website though.

Lola said...

I totally agree Darcie about the pictures. I feel pretty safe ordering from Amazon but if I could see a picture of the book I am might be the deciding factor between whether I buy a good book or a like new book.

My only concern is the cluttering up of Amazon. there is already so much stuff on it as it is..I wouldn't want uploaded pictures to cause more time to get to the page, or just make the whole ordering process slower. Plus, I am not sure about the social networking aspect; I think for this instance, leave the social networking out...we already have more than enough venues for that.