Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Japanese Tradition

This is How Japanese Eat Sushi!!!

In our last class we talked that some people believe that "internet makes people dumb".

This youtube video can be some proof of it.

Some people might actually believe this is the way to eat sushi and all Japanese eat like this. But this is absolutely not truth. This video clip is funny and nice. and this is just a spoof.

as a conclusion I think nobody will believe stupid enough to believe this. and these stupid video clips will enhance a sense of humer and will make people smarter.



Darcie said...

I think that you are right in saying that a sense of humor is another part of intelligence. The internet opens us to many things, it is not just a resource for research but a chance to enhance other skills like social communication. It is all what you make of it and how you use it. The internet itself is not capable of making a person more smart or more dumb.

Lola said...

Haha, great video! It seemed so professionally done that if I didnt know better it could pass for an actual informational video as to how to eat sushi.

Which I guess is the problem with the internet. If you do things well enough, you could pass it along as truth. I guess my question then is, does it make you dumb for believing what you thought to be truth?