Saturday, February 23, 2008

Everything is about Connecting!!

Last week we played Second Life in class.
It seemed everyone was enjoying it.

Now you can play Second Life on an iPhone!!

!!Make many people involved!!

Theseadyas, every company or thing is working together to do things that couldnt be done by alone. Connecting and working together is big. SNS is about connecting many people together. if there was only one person doing SNS, then it wouldnt be big or it wouldnt even work. Being many people involved is huge!! Second Life is the same thing. It needs many people to play to make it grow and make it better.

1 comment:

ae said...

you do need more people in order to make SNS work as a huge thing and help it improve. How ever, do we really want Second Life growing? At least I dont. I just dont find the purpose behind Second Life so I believe that we could easily find alternatives to use this technology.

From a personal experience, Second Life was useless and I didtn really enojoy it. Intead it was frustrating. Maybe if you really get involved and spend money then I would be more interesting. But why spend money for something you are getting virtually...just not reasonable to me..

But lets wait and see. New technology and ideas that are evolving daily could impact us soon.